A clutch kick is a brief stab of a manual transmission car’s clutch pedal, to briefly raise the revs when you need…
No matter what kind of car you’re driving, power likes to go to whichever drive wheels have the least traction.…
Back in 1989, all wheel drive was a relatively new technology, and it was significantly clunkier and less refined…
What I wanted to know was simple: how to drive a manual without breaking it, since repairs are expensive and every…
An older BMW 3 Series can be driving bliss, but if you’re not a German car stan, you may not know your E30s from…
Team O’Neil Rally School shared a video recently about the differences between braking with two-wheel drive and…
Rally racing is its own discipline, different from most other motorsports in that it isn’t all about power and, as a…
“We’ve been working for 20 years now with different...kind of elements of government personnel,” former two-wheel…
For car enthusiasts, a manual transmission is always the answer. But when it comes to off-road enthusiasts, that’s…
The Ford Focus RS has a second electronic brain in its butt, which it needs to control its new all-wheel-drive…
A few weeks ago my coworker Mike Ballaban and I got to learn the most hardcore driving technique I can possibly…
Anti-lock brakes are a godsend for everyday driving, but what happens when you’re driving on a snow-covered road…
We recently got our hands on a Ford Focus RS to see if the much-ballyhooed Drift Mode is actually any faster than…
Ok, yeah, so this is extremely awesome.
There is no doubt in my mind that a kid who learned to operate a car using rally techniques would be the fastest…
The first thing that you discover when you do a rally is that it’s just about the most fun you can have in a car.…
Racing in rallying means dealing with shit that any sane driver would avoid: jumps, stumps, rocks, ruts, all taken…
Want to be a rally driver? It just got cheaper.
Rally wannabes and Ken Block disciples will now be able to buy a Ford-blessed kit that turns their Fiesta into a…