An Oregon town is considering fitting its bollards with chains, piercings and prophylactics after residents…
In the words of Samuel Clemens, "There are lies, damned lies and statistics." Last February we learned that —…
So you're gettin' some in your Volvo wagon, which you've parked in some haunted Ingmar Bergmanesque Swedish woods on…
Residents of the Spanish burg of Santiago del Teide are in a tizzy over law-enforcement agents making with the…
Our tagline, "Jalopnik loves cars. Secret cars, concept cars, flying cars, vintage cars, tricked-out cars, red cars,…
According to the United Kingdom's AA Personal Loans' latest survey, 34 percent of UK motorists have have admitted to…
Turns out the soccer mom in the 6,000 lbs SUV cutting you off on the way to work is actually the safest driver on…
The words "I'll trade you a blowjob for a ride home," will always ring in our mind as one of the ultimate teenage…
The movie below via the link, which is NOT SAFE FOR WORK, was made by the Danish Road Safety Council in a…
As Jalopnik photographer-of-the-star-cars Curtis Walker was want to tell us — there are rules for booth babes at…
We once put a ring on the finger of a woman whose career to date had been customer service. And when she got bad…
Molson-swilling solicitors of prostitutes have something new to worry about in the great province of Alberta. While…
The Jalopnik team fortuitously met a reporter by the name of (Liza) while in Paris at last month's auto show. She…
The NOPI Nationals are like a tuner porn-freak's dream come to life, and although we weren't able to make it down…
Dennis Cuneo, the 55-year-old Senior veep of ToMoCo NorAm, has made the "decision" to "leave the company" after a…
So what's GM got against Daniela Cicarelli? In fact, why's the General and the former Maxim cover-girl even…
Tight pants may have come into vogue in rock 'n' roll when musicians realized that by keeping the package…
Let's first off start by saying — and without the potential confusion of an acronym — this is Not Safe For Work…
Turns out the Honda / Sir Mix-A-Lot connection is even closer than we ever thought, even if Fonda aint got a…
If this were on Family Feud, even the Jalopnik family would have failed to get the steal. But there's no Richard…