In honor of Saleen's twenty fifth anniversary, the specialty manufacturer has decided to produce an extremely…
In a world, where $50,000 pickup trucks are for po' folks, and pigskins are for both throwin' and eatin', there's a…
Over in Birmingham, across from the GM-obsessive "Triangle," the Saleen display appears to be hiding a very, very…
One thing we didn't know about the new 2008 Dodge Viper is Steve Saleen's helping to build them. And by helping to…
Founder and Vice-Chairman of Saleen Motorsports Steve Saleen has officially retired from the company's executive…
We received the following tip from a very reliable source about the specialty vehicle manufacturer, Saleen:
With the General now going full-tilt into the Transformers movie merchandising and product placement, we're thinking…
Well, it's Friday and we're feeling a bit of a hankering for some Transformers action, and our fave fan-boy site on…
Cannonball Run Europe, one of the many high-profile road rally events making the world's idle rich just slightly…
No, not our commenter — the Autobot named Bumblebee. Our fave fan site all about the 'formers hipped us to new…
Yes, it's been somewhat of an exhausting week around these parts on the Transformers scene, and today's a day no…
We woke up this morning at 5:30, intent on finding a good parking spot downtown to see if we could catch some hot…
Steve Saleen, founder of Saleen, Inc. and customizer of all things FoMoCo since 1984, says that the niche vehicle…
Oooh, we love it when we get one of those hot n' exclusive tips from an insider in the know. Like these pictures…
Steve Saleen and his Ford-tuning and supercar-building boyz have gone retail. Following in the footsteps of Ferrari…
Wow, we were totally so thinking about this one today — wondering when our greasy little fan-boy hands were…
If you watch Access Hollywood as much as we do (just Spinelli really) you would have seen Tom Cruise's crazy tour…
Back in 1996, we were in a band with noted off-road guru (and Parnelli Jones' Baja co-winner) Bill Stroppe's…
The auto show floor was all a-twitter yesterday about rumors of Chris Rock sightings here at the Javitz Center.…
10.9-second time in the quarter? Naught to sixty in 3.4 seconds? 427 cubic inches of aluminum Ford V-8 huffed by a…