Russia tends to be a land of innovation when it comes to its vehicles, especially if you consider "innovation" to be…
Sure, drag racing is basically just driving in a straight line a short distance, but when you add rain and speed to…
Two athletic figure skaters, clad in black and white. Two SUVs, clad in Mitsubishi and Citroën badges. Lots of…
English Russia put up a set of jaw dropping pictures of a trip to Opalinskiye hot springs in Kamchatka. They're all r…
Drag racing is all about reaction times, power, and traction, but if you don't have that last part of the equation…
That's it. I'm done. No more driving for me. This is a manhole cover that flew through a Russian driver's windshield…
The Soviet-built Ladas were a lot of things, but fast was not one of them. That's why I imagine this Lada, operated…
This video, entitled "Parking In Russia," shows what might just be the worst parking lot anywhere in the world. It…
The Russian Army painted a set of tanks rainbow recently for an army drill in Moscow. Clearly, there's some…
In the romantic comedy that is Russian vs. US relations, we're finally getting the will they/won't they kiss - the…
Another day, another Russian dash cam video. This one has explosions. Like, a lot of explosions. It is, as one…
The people of Russia are proud to debut the latest advancement in Russian dash cam technology: multi-angle traffic…
How to put out a car fire, Russian style: get a crane. Dump a bunch of wet dirt on the hood. Wait for the fire department to arrive and marvel at your ingenuity.
Nothing is more badass than a 6x6 TRECOL-39294 all-terrain vehicle. That is, except for a pink 6x6 TRECOL-39294…
Ever wondered what a Russian helicopter factory looks like? English Russia has some sweet shots of a factory tour.
Some people worry about the children, about how we are leaving the world in worse shape than the way it was given to…
Sweet mother of all that is right with the automotive world, this car shipping video is terrifying.
Here we see a Russian man discover two guys stealing gas out of his Lada. How did he respond to the theft? He…
What is best in life? Is it the open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair? WRONG.…
The insanity of the early Cold War manifested itself perfectly in the Atomic Cannon, built by the US in the early…