Some Russian dudes were cruising along, minding their own dash cam when a military tank blasted out of the snow and…
The bill proposed by the Georgia state house of representatives that would slap a misdemeanor on drivers who ride…
Parking tickets are sometimes issued for trivial things, but how pissed would you be if you got back to your legally…
Paying tolls sucks, but what are you gonna do, skip them? Not a good idea, but that's what some people do — usually…
Driving is supposed to be about freedom, but as the years go by, being ‘free' behind the wheel increasingly becomes…
The National Transportation Safety Board wants you to think that it is constantly looking out for you. Part of that…
What would Paris be without old Citroëns, Peugeots, and Renaults? By now, they're part of the landscape,…
If you're reading this now, there's great chance that you spend far too many of your waking hours looking at…
Jay-Z's seminal rap hit "99 Problems" was largely a list of personal gripes with an arresting hook, but a small…
Little guy: 1. Honda: 0. That's the results from Round One of Honda v. Civic Hybrid Owner. Which isn't to say that…
Yesterday, Heather Peters proved one woman can strike a blow against a major automaker when she succeeded in a…
The Stop Online Piracy Act is a bill currently before the U.S. Congress that would limit free speech online under…
Here's the story of how a BMW owner spent the better part of a year driving around with license plates assigned to a…
The U.S. law allowing the importation of grey-market cars that are 25 years old or older will stand. A petition to…
The U.S. constitution guarantees citizens the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. And…
Today, the top speed limit in the country is 80 mph. By tomorrow, September 1, 2011, the Texas Legislature will have…
Motorcyclists have long complained that their vehicles' size fails to trigger the automatic "loop detector" that…
After getting a $50 ticket for not riding his bike in the painted "bike lane," this militant bicyclist went out of…
If you're still alive, you can thank a red light camera, according to a new study by the Insurance Institute for…
Ever wondered whether a suspiciously long (or short) traffic signal change, combined with a police cruiser hiding…