The Top New York Toll Dodgers Are A Bunch Of Corporations And Some Lady Named Dolores

Paying tolls sucks, but what are you gonna do, skip them? Not a good idea, but that's what some people do — usually trucking company employees and rental car customers.

As a matter of fact, the top 12 toll dodgers in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania — the infamous toll booth states — are big corporations. So while $166,000 in tolls and $1.7 million in fines is a lot for anyone to pay, it's probably more manageable for a corporate board and its legal team to handle than, say, Dolores Biassi.

Biassi, lucky 13 on the list, is just some lady from Tuckerton, N.J. She owes the Port Authority $50,650 in fines after dodging $32,897 worth of tolls. A 75-year-old woman named Jean Davis entered scofflaw status when her druggie son repeatedly took her car to the Big Apple to get drugs. He racked up more than $100,0oo in fines after blowing $21,365 worth of tolls.

Here are the top 13 toll scofflaws from the Port Authority's Wall of Shame. The Port Authority has been pretty vocal about its zero tolerance policy, and has sued, and sometimes even pressed criminal charges against the offenders.

Photo credit: Associated Press

1. Ean Holdings LLC/Enterprise — tolls: $166,924, fines: $1,783,288

What's the fastest car in the world? A rental car! Not only do people drive rental cars like maniacs, but it looks like they blow through toll booths in them, too. Enterprise Rent-a-Car tried to address this problem last year, but apparently, their efforts haven't paid off yet. Normally, rental car companies charge customers a fee if they don't pay a toll, but whoever is in charge of tolls seems to have let a whole bunch of them slip through the cracks.

We see this as a combination of people's natural capacity for rental car abuse and corporate inefficiency.

Photo credit: Enterprise

2. Fusella Group, LLC — tolls: $154,055; fines: $271,725

For Gerardo P. Fusella and Vincent J. Fusella, Jr., the owners of this New Jersey-based trucking company, toll violations are the least of their problems. Sure, their company racked up a lot of unpaid tolls, but the brothers Fusella were also charged by a federal court for embezzlement, mail fraud, and tax violations connected to their participation in post 9/11 World Trade Center Cleanup. Sounds shady, but the Teamsters Union was involved, so who knows what was really going on there. Gerardo (pictured above) got a few weeks of house arrest in his parents' Jersey Shore condo for his WTC-related crimes.

Photo credit: Shutterstock/WordPress

3. Salem Truck Leasing, Inc. — tolls: $104,336; fines: $227,004

Need to rent a truck? No problem. You can call Salem Truck Leasing. Oh, and if you forget to pay your tolls, chances are good that they will, too. Good for you, but not so much for the Brooklyn-based truck rental company.

Photo credit: Salem Trucking

4. Madison 2001, Inc. — tolls: $88,050; fines: $138,905

We're not even sure if this place is in business anymore. Listed as a "business services" company, it has no website, and the number listed for its headquarters belongs to an annoyed-sounding lady who doesn't know anything about Madison 2001, Inc. But then, what can you expect of a business services company that can't even service its own business; such as paying tolls.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

5. Intek Autoleasing, Inc. — tolls: $77,953; fines: $83,750

You can rent anything from limos to X-ray machines from Intek. Although the New Jersey-based company has been around since 1986, it doesn't look like it's come up with a good way to keep track of which truck renting douchebag ditched which tollbooth and when. Who knows if they have some sort of fine for offenders, but they're not doing a good job of connecting with the tollbooth authorities vis-a-vis repayment.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

6. Longhorn Transport LLC — tolls: $56,746; fines: $45,400

Longhorn appears to have paid off some of its toll debt, which stood at $116,000 last April. That was from 2,652 separate violations. They might be hiring, so if you're interested in working for a company that won't fire you for driving through toll plazas without paying, Longhorn would be a good start.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

7. Primetime Delivery LLC — tolls: $53,239; fines: $93,650

This trucking and shipping company is so dedicated to getting whatever it is they're delivering to its destination in a timely manner, they'll run tolls to do it. They company seems to pride itself on punctuality and safety (although not so much on driver fitness). Unfortunately for them, the Port Authority cares neither about timeliness nor pudgy drivers; only about getting paid.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

8. Coach Leasing, Inc. tolls: $47,804; fines: $196,205

Chicago Cubs fans who want to charter a bus to Yankee Stadium to catch a game can take a Coach Leasing, Inc.-owned bus. The ride will be smooth (we hope), the drivers will be polite, but they might not pay their tolls. If you see the driver flip the bird at a toll booth operator, do the wave as the bus sails through the plaza.

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9. Velarde Transportation LLC — tolls: $43,743; fines: $104,612

Velarde is, wait for it ... another New Jersey-based trucking and transport company. Their specialty is hauling around dirt. They're hiring, and apparently, they don't teach the newbs about paying tolls from a tall truck window.

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10. Eke Trucking, Inc. — tolls: $41,353; fines: $55,163

Like many of these trucking businesses, information is scant; limited to a few online business profiles. According to one, they do between $1 million and $5 million in business every year (with between one and five employees), so they're either very successful, or they're laundering money for Tony Soprano. Either way, $55,163 in fines is mere pocket change for such an economic powerhouse.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

11. Sun Transport & Logistics, Inc. — tolls: $40,809; fines: $43,425

We are Sun Transport & Logistics Inc., a regional transportation company that for the last 40 years has worked toward one objective: satisfying our customer's needs.

Luckily, the Port Authority isn't one of their customers.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

12. Jilver Munoz Transport Corp. — tolls: $36,067; fines: $43,868

They're licensed, they're bonded, they send things places in trucks. They also don't pay tolls.

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13. Dolores Biassi — tolls: $32,897; fines: $50,650

The moral of the story? Maybe all of these companies should just put EZ Pass boxes on all of their trucks/cars/X-ray machines. That way, they can charge the customer directly for tolls and won't have to worry about getting on the Port Authority's bad side. We don't know what to tell Dolores Biassi. She should either stop driving through tollbooths or find someone who can pose as her drug addicted son and pawn it off on him.

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