A domestic flight on a plane from Libya’s state-owned airline, Afriqiyah Airways, was hijacked earlier today and…
The TSA has begun rolling out signage warning travelers that driver’s licenses from nine states will no longer be…
A 22-year-old New Yorker and well-known YouTube video guy said he was kicked off a Delta flight from London because…
The holidays are right around the corner and many people will soon be piling into this nation’s airports, waiting on…
To an airline, no one is special. Even the first class jamokes. You all line up like the cattle you are at your…
After digging into Donald Trump’s financial disclosures and corporate filings, The Wall Street Journal found that…
Usually people ask me to help them to decide which car to buy, and sometimes the cars they are considering aren’t…
I don’t really expect much from airports anymore. Between $15 dry-ass turkey sandwiches and outrageously expensive…
One of the great conveniences about riding a motorcycle is ease of parking. And at no time could that come in…
Yu Xu, the first woman to fly China’s J-10 fighter jet and one of only four women trained to fly Chinese-made…
Two aircraft crew members have reportedly been injured after their plane had to take evasive maneuvers to avoid a…
You are wrong, Samuel L.: enough is not enough. Nobody has had it with this snake on this plane.
The Chinese-built J-20 stealth fighter jet has been the subject of speculation since its first known flight in 2011,…
A new hero emerged today, or at least a new personal mentor to me; a woman screaming at all the other people slowly…
American Airlines flight 383 had to abort takeoff at Chicago O’Hare this afternoon due because of a blown tire,…
Indiana Governor and Republican Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence’s campaign jet skidded off a runway tonight at…
Airbus’s new Silicon Valley-based technology and business innovation team, called A³ (“A-cubed”, isn’t that cute?)…
I like planes, but we have only ever had a very casual relationship. Commercial airline stuff. Never in my wildest…
Part of what sucks about flying is checking your bag. Aside from paying the stupid bag fee, part of what sucks about…
If you’ve ever been sick after traveling, you know how hard it can be to get on plane and try to ignore all of the…