What if you could take a modern DSLR camera back in time to shoot war planes? The military aviation photography…
Taking a picture this incredible isn't easy, but here's how a group of photographers managed to get a car posed over…
You know those amazing panorama planets? This is what you get when you make one out of Mercedes F1's 360 onboard…
You find yourself in an museum — such as the Museum of Flight in Seattle — and you want to take photos of all the…
What you see here is the exhaust manifold from David Coulthard's RB2 that competed in the 2006 F1 season. What used…
Shooting cars is very simple: you take your camera, point it at something with a Lamborghini or Ferrari or Bugatti…
Today, the City of Detroit is putting on a bit of a show downtown: A press conference is being held near Hart Plaza…
Speedhunters has another excellent guide on how to shoot cars. The article is right here and it covers aperture and ISO.
There are more than a few automotive photographers that deserve more recognition for producing absolutely stunning…
The Old Cars is the latest book from Baltimore based photographer and librarian Patrick Joust. Using film and…
I remember when I got my Power Wheels Jeep as a kid. It was one of the happiest moments of my childhood.…
The world is full of hidden, forgotten treasures. Like this gigantic bunker excavated in a forest, buried in a…
Many have assumed that Pinterest merely serves as an online stomping ground for wedding planning. As the U.S.…
The Virginia Department of Transportation has put three large collections online of archival photographs detailing…
The North African theater was every bit as savage and deadly as its better-known European and Pacific cousins during…
Remember that nutcase cop who arrested a bystander for recording a public crime scene? Yeah, that was a violation…
The more digital video spreads, the more misinformed police fear it—as evidenced by this cop's draconian response…
Six Flags New Orleans (formerly known as Jazzland) was completely flooded by Hurricane Katrina. Almost six years…
Photographer Bruce Bennett took to the skies yesterday to capture some hi-res aerial pictures of New York City. The…
Sports photographer Mark J. Rebilas was out shooting dragsters in Bakersfield when an oncoming nostalgia top fuel…