Thank god for the world's marketing departments. Without them, who would tirelessly work to ruin the English…
As the folks in Ingolstadt struggle to figure out how to sell the 2015 Audi A3 to the coveted hipster demographic,…
You there! Yes, you, the bearded fellow decked out in American Apparel clothes holding up traffic on your fixie…
What do you guys think? Do the kids really suck at keeping their cars in shape?
The cold war between Boomers and Millennials is being fought on many fronts, but when it comes to perceived driving…
Like most of you, I watched the rant by Popular Science editor and Millennial Dave Mosher about why he doesn't care…
The U.S. economy is slowly climbing out of this nasty recession, and for the moment, new car sales are surging once…
If I wore a hat, it would be off to Dr. G. Mustafa Mohatarem, the chief economist for General Motors, who is one of…
Another day, another "Why Aren't The Millennials Buying Cars?" trend piece. Sigh. This one comes from Bloomberg, who…
Once upon a time, there was a decade called the 1990s. Things were better then. Americans were prosperous blissfully…
Over and over, it's the same thing: Millennials are moving to cities. Millennials hate driving places. Millenials…
Hey, millennials! Ford is upset with you, you damn kids! They need to know why you all prefer growing mustaches,…
In response to the shooting of a 69-year old man, a group of "youths" rioted in Stockholm this past weekend. As a…
RelayRides, the car-sharing program that lets car owners rent out their vehicles to other people for fun and profit,…
It came up again this week — the Millennial Question. You know, the issue that automakers and car enthusiasts alike…
We're all well versed in "The Problem" with young people these days. No, it's not that all they want to do is use…
Clearly, I was born at least 10 years too late. Aside from, well, people who write about cars and the friends I have…
Building upon their already notorious hipster netting campaign, Chevrolet is taking its sales tactics to the floor…
Recently, the auto industry has taken up a side hobby of collectively moaning about how the Gen Y kids just don't…