• Like George Michael, Rick just needs to have "Faith." [Freep]
• They stole the gas nozzles? What the heck is up…
Today marks the start of the 101st Anniversary of the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress. The…
Michigan's diminutive Attorney General Mike Cox has launched a probe into the Ford Family Foundation, alleging…
• Wagoner: Dead Man Walkin'? [New York Times]
• Everybody goes surfin', surfin' and dyin'! [The Daily Telegraph]
Jonathan of How Bourgeois has the eye of a hawk and a quick finger on the shutter button. He caught the Jeep Compass…
• Momma always taught us a Motley Fool and money for his car are soon parted. [Motley Fool]
• Now that is one toug…
We've been aware of Kerry McLean's Monowheels since he set a record in one at Bonneville back in 2001. The Freep did…
The joke has always been Michigan's the kind of place that gets two seasons of driving..."snow" and "construction".…
A group of Palestinian-Americans protested in front of Michgan CAT, a family-owned Caterpillar dealer in Novi,…
• Reason #456 for always wearing shoes while driving. Even if you are Britney Spears. [Life Style Extra]
• We don't…
So our boy Ray-Ray, an unabashed fan of Governor Jennifer Granholm (and a former Granholm administration employee),…
Our boy Ray hipped us to this exchange between our illustrious president and the DetroitWonk's former sugarmomma,…
Apparently, Detroit's become like a second home to us Gawker types over the last month or so. First it was our own…
Our boy in Detwa, Ray Wert, has access to some high-placed sources in the Ford administration. Tomorrow morning, as…
We have to say that while we thought Hyundai's last generation of designs were all kinds of wrong, the company's…
The self-styled sage of Detroit, Sweet Peet D., weighs in with his top twelve stories to watch for 2006. We've…
If you're a parent, you shouldn't smoke, especially in front of your kids. If you do smoke in front of them, you…
While Volkswagen of America remains noncommittal toward those posing questions of their geographic wanderlust, Audi…
A lot of hot rodding types like to call the Fox-bodied Mustang "the modern '55 Chevy." That's akin to calling Hilary…
Halfway across the country from Pebble Beach, and generally half a world away as far as the vehicles in attendance,…