The joke has always been Michigan's the kind of place that gets two seasons of driving..."snow" and "construction". While we feel that's a humorous oversimplification of the beauty of the changing seasons here in Michigan, we are most certainly entering the time of year when road construction hits its peak...
...Being the conscientious drivers we are, it only makes sense for us to remember to always look out for the people who help maintain the safe roadways for us to tear up during the warm summer months. How very tragically unlike the following incident from this morning when a fatal crash of a minivan and a Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) road crew closed a stretch of Michigan's Interstate 94 for several hours.
It appears, according to the boys in blue, a GMC minivan hit one of MDOT's arrow trucks. The minivan was occupied by seven people, one of whom was killed in the crash. As if it couldn't be any worse, the occupants of the van were from a local adult handicapped facility. Saddest. Road construction story. Ever.
Let this be a lesson to you kiddies. Don't do drugs! Stay in vegetables! Eat your school! And for G-D's sake, slow down when you see little blinkie lights. Unless it's a strip club, in that case you should stop.
I-94 Crash Turns Fatal (with video) [ClickOnDetroit]
Jalopnik - accident [internal]