The world rightfully gawked at the engineering prowess of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory as it successfully landed…
We’ve long known that the lovable brainiacs over at JPL and NASA like to hide Easter Eggs and messages in their…
Both China and the United Arab Emirates reached Mars orbit this week in what promises to be a fascinating month for…
One of the few non-shitty things to happen in the recently-deceased (see you in hell) year 2020 was that the next…
On January 3, 2004, Mars Exploration Rover Spirit began to make history. It touched down on the Red Planet for the…
Hopefully in the next few days NASA will be launching their new Mars rover, Perseverance, to the Jezero Crater on…
Every wrencher knows that sometimes the only cure for a misbehaving machine is to just hit the damn thing. The…
He’s tweeting about nuking Mars again.
I know it’s just a machine, but I’m not, and what I’m feeling is real: a bit of sadness at the idea that after 15…
As the Curiosity rover crawls its way across the Martian surface, it has to deal with a team of over 20 people to…
Want to feel old? Remember the Opportunity rover we sent to Mars? It was one of the solar-powered twins (along with…
This week electrovehicle and space transit magnate Elon Musk unveiled his master plan for the human race to become “a…
Mars has been the vague next big goal of NASA’s manned space exploration since the 1970s, but a real, concrete…
NASA’s Morpheus vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) craft fulfills many science fiction dreams of the last 60 or so…
When your mission is to explore the realms beyond earth, sometimes things get weird. Really weird. Like, lawsuits…
Dammit, NASA. Here we are thinking the arid, cold wasteland of Mars would be a perfect place to one day store and…
NASA is planning a huge Mars announcement tomorrow, widely presumed to be related to water on the Red Planet.…
Since using a remote controlled helicopter with video goggles strapped to your face and spying on your neighbors…
It's time to move beyond this pale blue dot to begin our multi-planetary colonization. That's one of the reasons…
NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Project is using the SUV-sized rover called "Curiosity" to "assess ancient habitable…