It's been several months since the last time we saw a Colt down on Alameda's street, so I was happy to discover…
We've talked a lot about the Malaise Era recently, with the hyper-Malaise '76 Mustang DOTS car earlier in the week…
Years ago in a grimy Santa Ana thrift store, I spotted it: the Edmund's Car Prices Buyer's Guide for 1975. The year…
Commenter 00Solstice mentioned this 1980 Time article in yesterday's Malaise-o-riffic DOTS post, and we think it's…
Nothing seems more emblematic of Malaise Era cars than what happened to the Mustang as the 70s progressed. First…
For all the lengthy description this car's seller provides in the listing, the glaring omissions are a bit…
1973: The Malaise Era was just kicking off, with the Arab oil embargo and Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre letting…
This exact replica of the car from "The Blues Brothers" has served its purpose well, touring with "the top Jake and…
So what we have here is an honest-to-God AMC Pacer Family. Dad builds a 10-second Pacer with a Pontiac 455, then…
I'd been keeping my eyes open for one of these on the street in Alameda for quite a while (we see one in a driveway…
We now find that nearly seven out of ten Jalopnik readers surveyed prefer a '66 Datsun pickup to a '62 Toyota Stout.…
Since I'm now trying to include a pickup truck in this series every week or so, today seemed like a good time to go…
Since so many of you backed away in confusion from the unknown torments of Australian Hell Projects yesterday,…
As we've already had a '77 Celica in this series, we're now looking at our first multi-DOTS car. But we have this…
Since we've, like, spent all this money to send guys to Japan and stuff, I'm going to burn through my meager stash…
Of all the cars that competed at the 24 Hours of LeMons race last weekend, the one with the biggest engine was this…
Since the readers have spoken on the DOTS Pickup Truck question, we're going to look at another old truck today.…