What car best sums up Malaise Era so-called performance cars than the late-70s Trans Am? Sure, there's the whole…
Sure, the Dead Milkmen references we all use when we're talking about the Chevy Camaro are fun and all, but…
Life was tough on swingers back in the Malaise Era- say you needed to go to the next county for that…
Once again, I must rail against the sad fact that just about all the Malaise Era Japanese cars have been crushed by…
Who would have believed, back in '77, that the glory days of the Detroit station wagon were soon to be over? The…
Since we went with a monstrously huge '78 Eldorado for yesterday's DOTS car, let's find an example of the other…
Remember those crazy "beehive" hubcaps on the old B210? And that moldy-mustard yellow color they all seemed to…
We sometimes forget that you could still get enormous freakin' Detroit land yachts well into the Malaise Era, gas…
When a man's looking for an automobile that tells the world- nay, grabs the world by the lapels and screams high…
It's been over a month since we've seen a Porsche in this series, and even longer since we've seen a 911SC, so let's…
We had another close one yesterday, with the '41 Ford eking out a narrow victory over the '51 Merc in the Woodless…
First of all, apologies for the crappy quality of the image above; we scoured the internet for literally dozens of…
Since we're on the subject of Malaise Era Torinos today, we should probably watch the classic Torino-versus-dumpster…
Today we're going to try a sort of gallery hybrid, with a few hi-res photos available below the "traditional" DOTS…
We make a lot of Chrysler Cordoba/Corinthian Leather jokes around here, but it occurs to us that perhaps some of…
Yeah, inflation was 20% and the President turned out to be a crook and the whole Southeast Asian war thing didn't…
Much as we car freaks might wish to pretend the Malaise Era never happened, we must face the reality that smog…
We've seen a few of Alameda's surviving street-driven imports in this series, but only one Toyota so far (and that…
In a shocking upset, the Short Bus soundly trounced the Pink Pig in yesterday's Choose Your Eternity poll, no doubt…