Building a project car with limited money and skills forces you to find creative solutions to basic problems. But…
Ripping out interior carpeting and laying down a layer of gritty, grip-tape style truck bed liner is a popular…
Ever seen “will trade” in a used car ad? I know I have, and I wondered: does anybody seriously swap cars with total…
The original International Scout was a pig, a pile of iron propelled by about 90 horsepower moving through an…
The 1970's were a simpler time, friends. And cars just didn’t get put together to the exacting standards we (for the…
The International Scout, farm buggy-turned-people-mover, is considered one of the first “SUVs.” The brand lasted…
Between this third generation Ford Mustang on an International Scout frame and the Geo Metro skin on Jeep Wrangler bones we saw earlier, I think it’s safe to say America has gone mad. But in a strangely brilliant way. Read more
The International Harvester Scout was a car ahead of its time, in many ways, an SUV from the days when the only…
Welcome to Paper Jam, the feature where we highlight the best automotive advertisements from the past! Print might…
Deep down we all know a project car is a dangerous proposition. But the “ran when parked” siren song can be hard to…
This story has everything: space, romance, an International Scout II, and a first-gen Ford Bronco!
At the end of the 1970’s International Harvester had a choice to make; abandon their efforts in the SUV game or…
It’s finally happened: the most talented artist making bespoke R/C trucks has finally done his take on the best one e…
Car maniac (and all-around maniac) Bill Caswell has done some amazing things with cheap cars. His next trick is to…
Looks like there was a factory or extremely clean aftermarket camper conversion for the first-generation Internatio…
International Harvester offered a 100,000 mile warranty in 1980. It was either a spectacularly misplaced declaration…
Classic car restoration is a challenging but fulfilling– OH MY GOD, THERE ARE SO MANY BEES.
You've convinced the spouse. You've spent the money. Now you're the proud owner of some hopeless shitheap somebody…
So you've spotted a prime project car; owner will let his tragic heap go cheap and maybe it's even got a title. But…
Project Car Hell isn't so much a place, as it is a state of mind. Actually, it sort of is a place. A place where…