It's okay to complain about airports. Between the TSA, the incomprehensible terminal layouts, and the bored staff…
It's no exaggeration that Los Angeles is a great big freeway and a six-lane road jammed in both directions is just a…
This isn't a joke. It takes seven. Seven.
Australia will strip the 81 mph limit off of one of its remote Outback highways next year, and it makes me wonder —…
What's more efficient at getting cars safely through an intersection: the typical American four-way stop or the…
Oh, Florida. You've gone and done it again, haven't you? One of your citizens is back in the news for all the wrong…
The Massachusetts State Troopers released this video of a speeding car coming within inches of smashing one of…
Some countries are just hard to get into — or out of. Whether it's due to a political situation or a geographic one,…
Some border crossings are as easy as showing a passport and getting on with your day. Others are slightly more…
North America and its great Interstate system. Even the people who designed the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids…
Where is the exit? Where am I? Can you see it? Oh, we just crashed. This is what happens in the following ten…
The Costa Concordia sank off the coast of Tuscany in 2012 and has kind of just been sitting there ever since. The…
You know what? It's Friday. Today has been a day filled with news of crashes and arrests and police mayhem and…
Man has always loved his buildings. But what happens when the buildings say, "I want to melt you and your precious…
It took $6.4 billion and 11-and-a-half years to build the new, hopefully earthquake-proof eastern span of the San…
Say, have you ever had a driver behind you lay on his horn because you stopped for pedestrians who had the right of…
Industrial disasters. Bad design, lack of maintenance, human error, mother nature, bad luck, or some combination…
Disasters don't just destroy human lives - they destroy the built-up worlds around us.
Unlike most people, when I compare pictures of cities from bygone eras to what they look like now, my eyes…
Stephanie Beasley's house has had the same piece of furniture in her living room for over a month now - the front of…