We're wondered why shopping karts outfitted with fifteen wet-cell Ni-Cad batteries, a 15 HP Etek motor and…
President Obama today announced support for the energy bill in Congress, stating we have an obligation to future…
The Maya 300 is an all-electric five door hatch built in Mississauga, Ontario with either a 60- or 120-mile range…
Rather than announce a 2010 Buick LaCrosse Super, GM's announced they intend to sell a miserly version of Buick's…
The Department of Energy just announced electric automaker Tesla will get the full $465 million in Federal loans it…
The Smart ForTwo EV has made it through fleet testing and because of the popular response will now be available in…
Hybrid technology propels most fuel-efficient vehicles currently on sale in the U.S., but with costly battery packs…
For all you nerdlingers who need to brag about fuel economy around the water cooler, soon you'll be able to buy a…
Honda's Insight hybrid may fall 33% short of U.S. sales goals. Why? America's already forgotten last summer's record…
AAA reports the national average for a gallon of gas's up 62.1 cents over the last 48 days to $2.67. That's a 30.4%…
European patent filings already show us how Modena plans to use hybrid technology for performance instead of…
Yes friends, this is the new "Government Motors"-designed 2014 Chevy Camaro which, according to insider groups…
As ominous as the Solar Human Hybrid Project might sound, it's just a solar and human powered quadracycle, a cool…
With Memorial Day in the past, some were hoping gas prices would drop. They haven't. What's going on?
With summer comes higher gas price – just as everyone's run of money. Today's classic from the Jalopnik vault shows…
With summer comes the threat of higher gas prices — just as everyone has run out of money. Today we bring you a…
When Obama unveiled new fuel standards we decried the end of fun cars and pointed out how far most automakers are…
California already plotting America's post-2016 fuel standards. [Reuters via AutoNews]
The just-announced fuel economy policy changes demand 39 MPG for cars and 30 MPG for light trucks. A look at the…
President Obama and distinguished hostages auto execs just unveiled new emissions and fuel economy standards. The…