A new report in the Detroit News states that, while the automaker has received a number of inquiries about the…
Automotive News reports that General Motors is bribing incentivizing moribund Hummer dealers by prepaying them…
It seems that the HX won't be the only Hummer vehicle featured in Transformers 2. At the Cinema Expo International…
More evidence is emerging that GM is moving quickly to solve its Hummer problem. The Detroit Free Press reports…
As much as the Internet is powered by ads, you probably don't want to go too far down the Google AdWord rabbit hole…
This Hummer H3 is built from $35,000 in losing lottery tickets. No sheet metal here, folks. The piece is by…
Hummer UK have converted this H3 to remote control. Intended for off road use only, it can traverse 16-inch vertical…
What an exciting day it is for fans of the Hummer brand, with the 2009 Hummer H3T embargo catastrafuck giving the…
If you haven't been following along at home, folks, the nice people at Truck Trend (owned by our good friends at Moto…
Antiglobalists in St. Petersburg, who we assume are anti globalism and not anti spherical representations of the…
In an effort to create buzz about Hummer in Europe, the folks at GM decided to black out an H3 and fit it with an…
While we think the best place to announce you're selling a Hummer H3 would be the parking lot of a Ralph's Fresh…
Never let it be said that Kobe Bryant likes adultery more than kids, as he's doing his part for the little people by…
Hummer UK appear to have a surprising level of insight into the psyches of their potential customers, marketing the…
As spy photographers were flash-cooked in the Death Valley, California sun, test engineers rolled by in the Hummer…
Although we've shown you shots before, our buddy Chris Doane's spotted and snapped a new shot of what he's…
There's not much to say except for, "turn your sound up." Oh, and if you make the jump you can see some more. And if…
Looks like the best laid plans of mice and men are plans easily laid low by a HummerGuy. The site all about the…
We were all excited earlier this morning when the General dropped the release on the green-is-good Aura Green Line.…
While at the Paris Auto Show at the beginning of the month, Spinn and I walked past the Chrysler Group display and…