Turkey's finest attempted to stop a suspected drunk driver on foot only to be hit by the driver and flung around…
Nick Ayers is the campaign manager for Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty's bid to be the Republican presidential nominee…
What starts out as a slightly humorous video of a guy so wasted he's unable to stand slowly transforms itself into a…
ESPN's Buster Olney recently said this about Derek Lowe, on Bill Simmons' podcast: "It seems like he's made an…
Stripping down to your underwear to avoid the trained snout of a police dog isn't an effective means of escape. Just…
America's statehouses are the petri dishes of democracy, where new ideas are born and tested. Like these from…
It is not, apparently, illegal to drive while naked in Nebraska as long as "no one is alarmed." Sadly, 32-year-old…
Florida sheriffs chased down 49-year-old Ronald Clifford Purdy after he nearly hit a kid. They found him so drunk he…
After police attempted to pull over a Pontiac Sunfire Saturday, its driver, Christine Stroh, decided to resolve the…
In the recent rash of wrong-way drivers hurtling down American freeways, we haven't seen much police involvement. A…
They say you should test in the same mental condition you studied in for best results. That explains why a…
After a Frankfort, Ky., police officer pulled over a black Chevy pickup on suspicion of driving while intoxicated…
File it under "Only in Russia", authorities in the Russian city of Nizhniy Novgorod recently put up roadside…
William Parminter of Lincoln, Neb., drove away from the Lancaster County Courthouse Friday after a hearing for his…
Tourists and residents of Big Coppitt Keys, Fla., had their early Sunday morning activities interrupted by a naked…
Fleeing from police at 157 MPH, a 19-year-old Yamaha R1 rider lost control in a gradual curve. The bike's dead. The…
A drunk driver in southern California wedged his Ford Fusion between two apartment buildings late Saturday, leaving…
Texas residents caught driving with a few too many Lone Stars not only face criminal charges but thousands of…
To show how legalizing marijuana in California would lead to more impaired drivers, the California Highway Patrol…