America's statehouses are the petri dishes of democracy, where new ideas are born and tested. Like these from Montana Rep. Alan Hale, who's tired of big government telling people they can't drink and drive.
Hale contends Montana's DUI laws are "destroying a way of life that's been in Montana for years and years." Which is true; 31% of the Big Sky State's fatal accidents involve drivers with more than 0.08% of alcohol in their blood, the second-highest rate in the nation. It's a huge state with no people and lots of driving to do if you want to get plowed in the company of your contemporaries.
Which you can do right nice at the Silver Saddle Bar and Cafe in Basin, Montana, just a straight exit off — and back on — Interstate 15. If you go and get trashed, before driving off make sure to give your regards to the operator, Montana Rep. Alan Hale. It might be your last.
H/T to Dutch!