The crazy kids over at Car And Driver announced their annual "10BEST" cars for 2009 and, would you believe, they…
Car und Driver Editor-und-Chief Csaba Csere spent a few moments in front of the camera yesterday rebutting the hot…
Well, not "as good" in every sense, or even more than one sense, of the term — but certainly just as quick in a 1/4…
The buff boys over at the buff book named Car und Driver appear to be needing some crucial reader input on their…
We just saw Chubby Checkers Sabra Sarah Csaba Csere, zee editor-und-chief of Car und Driver revealing the top ten…
Aww, that's just adorable. Car and Driver added their "watermark" to one of their photos. Our little baby's…
As AdAge reports, automotive buff books are creating online multimedia presentations showing off new vehicles,…
The shootout-obsessives over at Car and Driver set out to determine the quickest cars one can pick up with relative…
It's an institution, and one we largely admire. The rational, occasionally zaniac minds (hopefully the graduation of…
Car and Driver teases us in its December issue by connecting several dots that lead all the way to a new version of…
Dig Bilfeber's crazy photo caption of the shot above, as translated:
Brock Yates is one of the more divisive figures in automotive journalism. In fact, we feel like a redundant dunce in…
Sure, we've lambasted their Editor-In Chief. Sure, less and less people read car mags these days. But that doesn't…
10.9-second time in the quarter? Naught to sixty in 3.4 seconds? 427 cubic inches of aluminum Ford V-8 huffed by a…
We just heard from Tony Swan over at C/D regarding the reduction of his role at the mag, which we reported on a…
We'll admit that over the last couple of years, we haven't enjoyed Car and Driver or Automobile as much as we once…
There's this magazine based outta Ann Arbor, a town whose only connection to San Pedro is that the city's most…
When Car and Driver received an invitation to run the world s fastest production passenger car up to V-Max, it s no…
Car and Driver's John Phillips has long been one of our very, very super-fave auto writers. Some might say he's…
Along with Hustler, Time, early Details, Kerrang!, Mad and Gearhead, Car and Driver stands as one of the magazines…