We've been missing the East Bay a lot lately. Despite the fact that we got fed up with the rents and all of the…
Damon of Drivewire fame tossed us over this link to an article at the paper Bay Area types refer to simply as The…
Slate's Daniel Engber explains how crash investigators arrived at a pretty solid conclusion of what was going on…
We were in love with a girl who once lived on Russian Hill. She had a worn-out smile that she'll wear some more. And…
More shocking to us than the arraignment of Swedish-mafioso turned Gizmondo exec turned street-race-tard Stefan…
Reader Matt kicked down a link to the previous Bootcar, which he believes is based on a Honda 600. It's also miles…
Yesterday, rolling down Santa Monica with the inimitable Jonny Loverman — who due to Bay Area scene incest we may or…
A reader, who we will protect from the worst Mafia ever by not naming, sent us this e-mail. We're goofy-happy. Suck…
You know, we meet people from the South or the Midwest, and they're all like, "Man, you're crazy to live out there…
Blah, blah, blah Hoonzo, Glock clip, San Gabriel Valley Transit Authority, Gizmondo, Chinese Democracy, Uppsala,…
We've been listening to the Dicks all day, so it only makes sense that we'd finish off today's Jalopnikin' with a…
The Pixars had an idea they wanted life-size renditions of three of the characters from their upcoming film, Cars.…
In a former life, we had to call the Goodguys offices now and then for various and sundry reasons. And you never…
Dr. Raja Sengupta of Cal has come up with a novel imminent-collision-awareness idea. First, we kill all the lawyers.…
[Opens coat to show JDM Nissan keys.] Psst. Hey, Bunky. Want a Skyline? The folks in the Department of the Treasury…
Back in 1952, 1953 and 1954 in Golden Gate Park, under that beautiful puff of clouds floating by from Oakland and…
Highway 17, a mountain four-lane between Santa Cruz and San Jose, is one of the most hairball widely-travelled roads…
Van Nuys residents along Sepulveda Boulevard had been complaining about prostitutes along the fabled…
Nanahoshi Hiroaki, owner of Motorex, the sole importer of Nissan Skyline GT-Rs into the US has been nicked by Los…
Live on the freeway/Listen to signs/And we drive by feel