In a situation that could really only happen in Florida, a man was arrested for the sticker proclaiming that he eats…
When I wrote my Bumper Stickers Suck take back in February, the only dissenting voice in the office came from…
Obviously, it’s your car and you can do whatever the hell you want with it, as long as you aren’t endangering…
In your time motoring along the roads, highways, and under-surveilled mall food courts of America, it’s not unlikely…
Bumper stickers might be universally terrible, but which one is the most truly and extraordinarily bad?
There's plenty of reasons to not have those cloying stick-figure family stickers in your window: they're insipid,…
Political bumper stickers are boring. Spruce up the back of your car with LOLCats!
I've been in Las Vegas the past couple of days and while idling away in the parking lot of the Venetian hotel, I…
"People this pathetically insane should not be allowed to drive," writes the Reddit user who took this photo…
Jalopnik reader philipnotphil captured this Vauxhall Astra while out-and-about in Britain today. Yes, that bumper…
Antonio Farias was arrested on suspicion of five sexual assaults across Nevada when troopers on a routine traffic…
It's gotta be tough being a liberal, pagan, Darwinist, cat-loving, scuba-diving Rastafarian lawyer in Oklahoma, but…
I'm something of an "Achiever," a tongue-in-cheek name overly-enthusiastic Big Lebowski fans self-apply. Today I…
So, what's the deal here? How many things can one person "heart?" We're hoping two of these don't have anything to…
What better way to share humor with fellow survivors as you trek through the wasteland in search of food than with a…
Welcome to Down On The Street, where we admire old vehicles found parked on the streets of the Island That Rust…
Jesus fish, Darwin fish... they've been done. Done to death even. Now dinosaurs are a whole different angle on the…
"Blue shift" is when a fast-moving observation point approaches a slow-moving light source, shifting the perceived…
Psychologist William Szlemko of Colorado State University has been studying the aggressive-driving tendencies of…
Oh, how ironically un-PC of them. We especially love the license plate. (Hat tip to LLKoolKenny!)