Today has been a pretty awful day. With three tragedies already in the form of the deaths of Allan Simonsen, Wolf…
A lot of drivers hate cyclists. A lot of cyclists hate drivers. Then there's Emma Way, who hates cyclists so much…
It's a cool and slightly rainy morning here in the aptly named mountain-side town of Buena Vista, but yesterday's…
Man, I feel for this kid. Somewhere in China, it was the first day of school, and our hapless unnamed student is…
Four years ago, one of my colleagues at the Santa Barbara Independent took the train from Santa Barbara, Calif., to…
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported this year that although overall traffic fatalities are…
The cultural war between those who want to bike on public roads and those who think public roads are for cars only…
While on a top-secret Jalopnik mission to Tokyo (meet with Emperor, secure trade route for silks and spices) I was…
For the first time in many decades, Italians are buying more bicycles than cars. Over the last year, new car…
With ever tightening restrictions on emissions, supercar makers have been forced to get creative to adhere to the…
Bicycles are useful for all sorts of things — namely transportation and exercise. But in Brazil, enterprising…
The letters HPV generally connote America's most often sexually-transmitted virus, but they can also mean…
The bicyclist who decides to pick his way through a crowded jam of traffic is obviously no genius, but the Hyundai…
Urban biking is dangerous, and especially so when drivers are going out their way to decapitate you. This video,…
The tricycle is not commonly associated with instability and safety hazards. But according to an old article from…
American salesmen going to work on gas-powered roller skates? Pshaw. Árpád Farkas is a 71-year-old retired…
The standard way to transport a cylinder of cooking gas in the second or third worlds is to balance it on the top…
You've heard of drive-through bars and swim-up bars, but bars that come to you? Here it is: a bike with built-in…