Remember the Renault 18i? Maybe if you live in Europe (where it was called the Renault 18, without the i) you do,…
Coil-spring seats! A six-banger engine! Molded acoustical headliner! A big gas tank! The hardhatted Kenosha…
For reasons that no doubt made sense at the time, the utterly hopeless Cord triumphed over the absolutely…
You want rare cars in this series? How about this '88 Renault Medallion? After purchasing the wreckage of AMC in…
How long has it been since we last saw an Alameda Rambler? Since July, that's how long... and that's just too long…
It goes without saying- well, hell, maybe it doesn't, but that won't stop us- that, after the first installment of W…
Years ago in a grimy Santa Ana thrift store, I spotted it: the Edmund's Car Prices Buyer's Guide for 1975. The year…
So back in the late Malaise Era, AMC was on the ropes. They needed a product that nobody else had, something that…
So what we have here is an honest-to-God AMC Pacer Family. Dad builds a 10-second Pacer with a Pontiac 455, then…
I'd been keeping my eyes open for one of these on the street in Alameda for quite a while (we see one in a driveway…
You young whippersnappers with your turbo this and Japanese that... why, back when men were men, four-wheel drum…
Mr. Murilee Martin is busy putting the finishing touches on what will surely be a PCH to bust all your knuckles…
During the same junkyard expedition that brought us the Hippie Tercel, I ran across this forlorn '73 AMC Javelin.…
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Jalopnik readers- or at least the readers who bother to vote in our polls- have decreed that they'd be crazy enough…
Yesterday, we had our closest Choose Your Eternity poll yet, with the '58 Rambler just barely edging out the…
Just in case we haven't already made it perfectly clear, we love station wagons here at the Jalop. We also love…