Our last DOTS Ford truck was a month ago, so we're due for one today. In fact, today we're going to have a nice…
Many of you have been kind enough to send DOTS Bonus Edition photos my way, and you're all very good about not…
Some of you Mercedes-Benz experts may have taken one glance at the photo above and spluttered "1958? Why, any fool…
Because not even a burned and wrecked 80s Ferrari can compete with a burned 70-year-old car mentioned by name in a…
I'm no longer going to express any shock that my island city continues to provide a seemingly inexhaustible supply…
Why wasn't the Brooks Stevens-designed 1958 Forward Control Jeep ever mass-produced? Why? One glance at the…
Some grumbling about the non-wagon nature of yesterday's Choose Your Eternity poll (which was won, unsurprisingly,…
Unlike most super-obsessive car purists, Nash Metropolitan fanciers tend to have a sense of humor... which is a good…
Believe it or not, the last time we saw a 50s Detroit car in this series was the '57 Cadillac, way back in November.…
Back when I was looking for a real Anglia gasser for the Euro-Gasser Edition Project Car Hell (they're too…
It would appear that sheer number of doors trumps all other factors when it comes time to pick an airport limo for…
We've seen a few British cars in this series, including a'59 Morris Minor, a '62 Mini, a '69 MGC-GT, and a '78…
The website Square America showcases an obsessive collector's- wait, we mean curator's- vast selection of found…
The Russians though they had the car-with-truck-bed thing nailed down with the LIAZamino, but don't count out the…
I forgot to mention one of the most important reasons for having so many surviving old cars on the streets of…
When I started the Down On The Street series, I'd shot a handful of cars and figured I'd be able to do a few dozen…
It's becoming sort of a Monday DOTS tradition to look at one of Alameda's many old trucks, so we'll continue the…
This profoundly disturbing puppet-show advertisement for the Goggomobile will have you singing the little "Goggo!…