Morris 850
Here's another one of those cars that makes it a real challenge to pinpoint an exact model year. The license plate is a '65 or '66 issue, but the Mini was only sold as a "Morris 850" in the US until 1962. This means it's either a 1959-62 model that was first registered in California in the mid-60s, or it's a Frankensteined Mini assembled from 27 other cars... in which case the whole question becomes sort of a meaningless angels-on-head-of-pin debate, anyway. What we do know is that ass is kicked in copious quantities by this little English machine.
The '66 Datsun 411 from a few months back parks very close to this Mini, so there's a good chance they're owned by the same person. I mean, if you like vintage Minis, odds are you also like early Datsuns.
I'm pretty sure this car has an engine a bit bigger than the original 850cc unit, judging by all the obvious go-fast stuff.
Whaddya know? A Gearhead sticker! Well, this is the East Bay. I've probably met this car's owner down at the Lost Weekend.
Normally, tires protruding out past the wheelwells look lame, but it's a look that actually works on a Mini.
This is the second Morris to be seen in DOTS, after the '59 Morris Minor we saw a couple months ago. I've seen a couple others around; will try to catch them parked.
It's hard to believe a car this small can look mean, but a hot-rodded Mini manages to pull it off. I haven't heard this one run, but I hope it's loud as hell.
10" diameter wheels! How can you not love that?