In the classic film, Eating Raoul, Paul Bartel’s character derisively announces that he and his wife, played by Mary…
While to some making a 1960 Dodge Dart Seneca Coupe cooler than when it left the factory might seem fairly easy, in…
Although a variety of words likely come to mind when you think of a Chrysler Slant Six engine, beautiful probably…
Six pistons in a line—a wonderfully simple design that produced a well balanced, reliable and vibration free engine.…
Back in the day, ads for the Plymouth Volaré advised buyers to "Don't Give Up, Get a Volaré!" Today, Nice Price or…
Welcome to Down On The Street, where we admire old vehicles found parked on the streets of the Island That Rust…
When Chrysler made the '62 Plymouths get better mileage and require less maintenance, it was really all about crushin…
This is Down On The Street Bonus Edition, where we check out interesting street-parked cars located in places other…
After two consecutive days of old Junkyard Find Dodges, we might as well see yet another one. It's a sign of how…
The Chrysler Slant Six is, of course, one of our all-time favorite engines. So you can imagine our joy when Mopar…
Like the iconic Small-Block Chevrolet and Air-Cooled VW, the Slant Six is one of those engines that must be…
Of all the facts in a New York Times article focusing on incoming Chrysler fearless leader Robert Nardelli, there…
The Mopar Slant Six is one of the undisputed marvels of the engineering world; when the Sun goes supernova and the…
Just about everyone whose ever heard of Chrysler Corp.'s "Slant Six" engines of the 1960s and 1970s — gearhead and…