The news network says the Prince's Audi sat idling at the airport for a half hour pumping carbon into the air.…
Are you afraid of car hacking yet? If not, you should be! Don't you know that freedom-hating terrorists are firing…
Jowly asshole Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News, is a security-obsessed paranoiac who spies on his employees,…
CNBC auto industry reporter Phil LeBeau's job is to try to explain simple concepts to Mike Barnicle, so he's got a…
The Fox News commentator, as quoted in an on-air discussion on the Detroit public school district's record-low test…
GM's Chevy Volt LA Auto Show marketing song and dance disaster we've reported on the past few days just became a…
Steve Doocy, one of the two friends in Fox And Friends, simultaneously explains how the driverless cab works and…
America's favorite car chase team, led by the maestro Shep Smith, follows the most GTA-style chase in recent memory.…
Fox News' Shep Smith has, once again, raised car chase commentary to an art form. OMG, he's in the HOV lane! Someone…
Fox News' crazy Shep Smith goes to town on this video of a stolen 18-wheeler and its hijacked driver, stranded outsid…
Wes talks Mexican parties, imaginary Chryslers on conservative cable channel website. [Fox Car Report Live]
We understand your frustration Mr. Bernero, but jeez-o-pete, lay off the campaign tactics and Red Bull for a minute…
Need to find a station to fuel up your Mercedes 300D with biodiesel? How about tips on how to prevent all that soy…