Raise Your Lighters For A $275,000 Camaro IROC Z!

A celebrity connection can make any car's value pop. Today, Nice Price or Crack Pipe wants to see if you think this six-figure Z28 rocks, or if it just gives you the blues.

Yesterday we went all Art 101 on an artistically painted 733. While the car did receive a 63% drubbing in the vote, there were a surprising number of you who came out in favor of the garishly-hued sedan, choosing to base your vote on the desirability of the underlying car instead of its technicolor dreamcoat. One thing you all could agree on was Bob Ross and his amazing fro.

Moving from the stuffy and elitist art world to the spandex-wrapped, cocaine-fueled world of hotel-room trashing rock, leads us to a $275,000 1985 Camaro IROC Z28. Now, you might think that, while the IROC Z was the top of the Camaro line, it'd have to be pretty special to solicit that kind of cheddar, and you'd be right. This white over gray coupe with fewer than 800 miles on the clock is a rolling Rock & Roll hall of fame, having been signed by nearly every act that performed at the JFK Stadium Live Aid concert back in '85.

In case you've forgotten, Live Aid was a global concert orchestrated by the legendary promoter Bill Graham, Boomtown Rats lead Bob Geldof, Larry Magid and Allen Spivak in support of Ethiopian food aid. The main concerts took place at JFK in Philly, and Wembley Stadium in the U.K.. Additional, smaller concerts were held simultaneously in Australia, Germany and elsewhere. The web page dedicated to the car's sale has a succinct recap of the event, as well as program pictures of each of the acts that performed- yeah, it's a lot of big hair.

This car was the brainchild of GM and MTV, who named it the Drive Aid Signature Car and got over 100 musicians and Celebrities (George Segal? really?) to autograph the car, before having their drug-palsied signatures encased for posterity in a tomb-like clear coat. That prevented fans from licking off the Nick Rhodes and Simon LeBon scribblings (remember this was the '80s) when the car was taken on a promotional tour and eventually raffled off at Radio City Music Hall. That raffle winner has sat on the car (but apparently not in it) for the past 25 years waiting on the day when his celebrity encrusted goldmine would finally pay out. Well, that day is today, and now history and '80s pony car converge in a rock-fueled maelstrom of used car insanity! What would you pay for Jimmy Page's autograph? How about Mick Jagger's? The entire line up of Judas Priest's? Instead of amassing your rock and celebrity autograph collection one eBay auction, or roadie BJ, at a time, you can big-box it and get them all at once right here. There's even Teddy Pendergrass, and sadly, he's not signing anything anymore. 

So is $275,000 a reasonable deal for this one of a kind IROC? Owning it would be about as close to these luminaries as you could get without contracting an STD or getting a cocaine contact high. And, as the clear coat will protect the signatures, you could even drive the car in public without fear of Chrissie Hynde being rubbed off by somebody squeezing between you and the next car in a parking lot. But $275K is a lot of scratch, and many of the signatories – while modest to big stars when the car was first signed – have had career arcs which have ended in dinner theater and shouting angrily at the TV over a cold bowl of mac and can't-afford-cheese. That might make the value of their handwriting less today than when they were at the top of their game, and perhaps this car should be considered on a signature-by-signature basis? Also, you gotta' wonder, what's Ticketmaster's cut going to be?

So, for 275-large, would you IROC the house? Or, does that price make this one off-key Z?

You decide!

1985 Chevy Camaro IROC Z28 Drive Aid Signature Car for $275,000.(poll)

Cars On Line Dot Com or go here if the ad disappears. Twenty minute drum solo to oddfish for the tip!

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