These Are Your Unbreakable Road Trip Rules

From snack choices to in-car etiquette, these are your unbreakable road trip rules.

When you hit the highway for a long adventure, there are the obvious rules of the road that you have to follow if you want a pain-free adventure, but do you have any person regulations that passengers in your car must abide by?

That's the question we posed to you last week when we asked for your unbreakable road trip rules. It turns out, Jalopnik readers run a tight ship and have all manner of commandments in place for any long drive.

So sit back, relax and take a look through our roundup of your unbreakable road trip regulations, which of these do you follow?

Play Nice

"I have four children. Don't touch your siblings is pretty much all I can ask for."

Sometimes, it's the simple things.

Suggested by: sausagefingers76

Diet Starts Monday

"Outside of road trips, my wife and I are healthy eaters. But the hard and fast rule for road trips is that all diets are suspended until we reach our destination. This enables us to enjoy Stucky's treats when we drive through Georgia, Tasty Cakes when driving through Pennsylvania, Slim Jims, and all of the McDonald's shakes and Wendy's Baconators our stomachs can handle."

We all do this on road trips, right? Nobody likes that guy that turns up for a long trip with a bag of raisins.

Suggested by: happyh0ur

Tim Hortons

"Applicable to Canadians: first stop is Tim Hortons. At regular intervals, driver is to ask if anyone wants Timmy's. Familiar routes will have selected Tim Horton's locations as planned break points. It's a thing."

Always make time for good coffee stops, I like that.

Suggested by: Scott Pro (Facebook)

Take The Scenic Route

"Two Rules For Roadtrips

"Rule #1 – Always Take The Scenic Route

"I avoid freeways 90% of the time unless absolutely necessary. This rule stands no matter how far we drive. Sometimes it may be necessary, but as much as possible, I'll take the scenic route. I'll even go out of my way to take what looks like a fun route including a two-track mostly dirt road mountain pass from Los Alamos New Mexico to Monument Valley.

"Rule # 2 – Stay Fluid

"Be willing to change your mind on how to get where you're going. Heading north from LA to SF, we once changed our minds about going to Sequoia National Forest on the way and instead too Hwy 1 through Big Sur. It was a last-minute decision becasue we didn't want to criss-cross twice over the central valley. It was the best decision we ever made because Big Sur was the most beautiful and epic drive I had ever taken."

Oh this is good advice, always make the time to swing off the highway and see something pretty – like America's largest egg box.

Suggested by: autojunkie

Foot To The Floor

"No feet on the dash. Period.

"No stops unless it's time to eat/need gas/the baby poops.

"Must check right lane for a clear pass if left lane is being held up by a Sunday driver."

Shoes on or shoes off, it's always gross to prop your feet up on the dash. Don't do it.

Suggested by: fijist

A Driver’s Duty

"Driver always has veto rights on the music."

See, no Pitbull in this car either, right?

Suggested by: Kyle Grosten (Facebook)

Always Stop For Good Food

"1. If I'm driving anything larger than an SUV or pulling a trailer, you need to pull up a satellite image of wherever you want to eat before we get to the exit so I can verify we can get in, park, and get out with a minimal amount of annoyance.

"2. If there's a sketchy barbeque place along the way we're eating there if it meets rule 1."

This is a rule I also follow: if you see good food by the side of the road you should always pull over and try it.

Suggested by: theoretics

Punch Buggy

"My family's rules for 'Punch Buggy' c.1973

"Punch Buggy will be played during any road trip exceeding five minutes, weather, lighting conditions and parents' tolerance level permitting.

"Punch Buggy shalt not be played on the way to or from church, because God.

"The call 'Punch Buggy' will be followed by the vehicle's color and relative location; for example: 'Punch Buggy, Blue, 3-O'clock.'

"The player initiating Punch Buggy must call any special rules at the start of the game. For example 'Double-punch for Green' or 'No punch for white.'

"VW Busses, Karman Ghias, Things and Squarebacks do not count.

"Convertibles count, and are worth a double punch if the top is down, but must be called, e.g. 'Punch Buggy convertible, Red, 11-o'clock' to count.

"Buggys in driveways, parking lots and dealerships do not count; the car must be on the road and clearly visible to both players. Buggys in drive-thrus are considered 'in-play'

"Reverend O'Conner's Buggy is NEVER in play, because again, God.

"Incorrect or false Punch Buggy calls will result in a double punch-back.

"Punches are to be delivered squarely ONLY to the upper arm of your opponent after a legal Punch Buggy call. Punches should be hard enough to be felt but not enoughto hurt or leave a mark. A hit to any other area of the body, accidental or not, are subject to a parental-issued penalty.

"Any game of Punch Buggy ends when someone cries, falls asleep or calls for a time-out, or when snacks are being distributed, or Dad is listening to the ballgame.

"Time out is called if a police car is in proximity.

"Punch Buggy games end when the ignition is shut off."

Did you get all that? Good.

Suggested by: greenpig

Rules Of The Road

"From the greatest mind of the 20th century, Saint Carlin: Follow the rules of the road and you can go anywhere you want."

I guess that's fair advice to live by.

Suggested by: Ira Ro (Facebook)

Distribution Of Responsibilities

"Front seat passenger is responsible for navigation and music, rear seat responsible for snack distribution."

No free ride in this car, everyone has a job to do.

Suggested by: cammmy

We Got Country And Western

"Just pack a big cooler with drinks, snacks, sandwiches and we good

"Also no Country music =)."

I share this rule against country music, except for Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton is always welcome.

Suggested by: darthspartan117

Be Prepared

"Bring. Tools. You'll be sorry when your car doesn't start and you're missing a stupid 10mm wrench."

Don't let a long wait for AAA hamper your progress, always be prepared.

Suggested by: Keven Ladouceur-Denis (Facebook)

Focus On The Task At Hand

"I am responsible for nothing other than driving. I am very good at it. I like doing it. I will get us to our destination safely and in as little time as possible. If you want food, bring it. If you want to stop somewhere for food, say so. If you want something specific on the stereo, bring your phone and spotify.

"Do not expect me to make non-driving/non-bathroom-related decisions. I have the stamina and bladder of a pack mule. I will drive for 15 hours if you don't specify non-fuel related stops."

It's better to do one job and do it well, than to provide mediocre service to everyone riding in the car with you.

Suggested by: JohnnyWasASchoolBoy

Always Take A Map

"This is dependent on where we are road tripping, but I am old school and buy or print out hard-copy maps of our journey. Google Maps is shockingly accurate throughout the world, but it is not perfect. Paper maps has saved my bacon on multiple occasions traveling in Central America. Particularly El Salvador and Honduras, but also even more 'developed' parts like Panama and Costa Rica. It pays to have a second opinion and another option if your phone gets lost, destroyed, stolen, or just as simple as the battery is dead.

"No feet on dash. Ever. For one, that's gross. I don't want your grimy ass feet all over my dashboard. But it is insanely dangerous and the people who do it need to go look at the x-rays of people who have two broken femurs and a shattered pelvis from having their feet on a literal bomb in the dashboard."

Paper maps are always great to have at hand, provided you have a navigator on hand that's good enough at reading them.

Suggested by: Kerberos824


"Always roll down the window if you fart."

Even this dog knows the rules.

Suggested by: Kenton Byrd (Facebook)

