Here Are Your Favorite Foods For The Road
Snacking while driving can be beneficial, especially on long trips. Snacks that are crunchy or require extra effort like my favorite sunflower seeds can keep you alert and stop you from falling asleep. Other times it can be a good distraction, especially if you're in a car full of sleeping people. Some of us prefer sweet, some of us go straight for the salt. Here are your favorites.
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Try And Not Eat As Much While Driving
Suggested by: Idiot who sold e39 m5
Sunflower Seeds. But Don’t Stop For Food In Iowa
Suggested by: RideOrange
Pizza, Rye Chips And A Coke
Suggested by: JadeRose
It Depends
Suggested by: engineerthefuture
Chimichanga, Beaver Nuggets and Beef Jerky
Suggested by: Lahjik
7-Eleven Taquitos
Suggested by: Autojunkie
Beef Jerky That’s Not Found In Stores
Suggested by: dogrivergrad68
Non Messy Food And Coffee
Suggested by: dolsh
Mcdonalds Fries
Suggested by: Keager1
Spousal Differences
Suggested by: DavidLMM