The 2013 Super Bowl Car Commercials: Watch All Of Them Here

In just a short while, millions of Americans will gather to watch the Super Bowl, a large and popular sporting event that does not involve racing or motorsports in any way, shape or form. Bummer.

But the Super Bowl does involve cars — specifically, car commercials. You'll be seeing a lot of them tonight. This is the biggest car ad blitz of the entire year, where the car companies really bring their A-games. Or don't.

You may have seen many of these ads already, as most of them were pre-released on YouTube over the couple of weeks. We've gathered them all up here and ranked them from best to worst.

We'll also be uploading more car ads as they air tonight, so keep your eyes peeled, and let us know which ones are winners and which ones are duds.

2013 Volkswagen Super Bowl Ad Turns Suburban Office Workers Into Jamaicans

If you've ever wondered how to turn a suburban office full of striped tie-wearing squares into patois-speaking Jamaicans, all it takes is a Volkswagen New New Beetle. More "

The New Mercedes Super Bowl Ad Involves Kate Upton, Short Shorts, And Kate Upton

Mercedes is going to have an ad during the "Super Bowl," which I understand is some sort of important football game held each year.
Instead of advertising a car this year, Mercedes is releasing an ad promoting swimsuit model Kate Upton and her ability to supervise a car wash.
The teaser for the... More "

Mercedes Super Bowl Ad: Buy A CLA And We'll Throw In Kate Upton And Usher

Another day, another Super Bowl car commercial that has been pre-released on YouTube. Fabulous.
We already vented about what a silly practice this is, and we've called out Hyundai's ads as being a swing and a miss. More "

Volkswagen Wins Super Bowl With Happy Viral Video Commercial

I've always had this theory that every single person on the internet is angry. A quick perusal of some of the most popular YouTube videos will prove me right.
The sheer amount of people flipping out or crying (including Rutledge Wood's favorite YouTube star) seems to far outweigh people smiling... More "

Hyundai's Super Bowl Ad Wants You To Recruit Some Hardass Children

Earlier this week we called out some of Hyundai's Super Bowl ads as being more of a miss than a hit. Maybe they were listening to us, because they have now put out an ad for the Hyundai Santa Fe that's actually pretty good. More "

Audi's Super Bowl Commercial Is A Punch To The Face From The Prom King

There's a wonderful, Mamet-esque line in The Rock I'm fairly certain was added by Aaron Sorkin in one of his uncredited punch-ups, and it's "Your best? More "

Toyota's Super Bowl Ad Stars The Actress From The Big Bang Theory Granting Wishes

We're only a couple of weeks out from Super Bowl XLVII, and that means we need to get ready for the litany of car commercials automakers will shove down our throats in between the football action. More "

Kia's Super Bowl Ad Imagines A World With Robotic Booth Professionals

The life of a booth professional is not always glamorous. They have to deal with pervy weirdos taking photos of them before smudging up the windshields with their awful breath as they spread as much of themselves on whatever car they can find. More "

Are Hyundai's Super Bowl Ads A Miss?

It's not unusual to see advertisers – car companies in particular – pull out all the stops for Super Bowl advertising. It's a time when the millions of viewers with eyes glued to televised gridiron action can typically expect nothing less than creative genius from those who make the... More "

This Is Jimmy Fallon's Boring Twitter-Sourced Lincoln Super Bowl Ad

A little while back, Lincoln relaunched itself by adding the words "Motor Company" to its name, sending people out for test drives that include a free dinner, and getting Jimmy Fallon to make a Twitter-sourced Super Bowl ad that was guaranteed to make the brand about 34 percent hipper.
Suggestions... More "

