So I was educating myself about the oft-maligned Yugo this morning, as one does, when I discovered an attribute I…
I recently got my Jeep J10 pickup on the road again and, while it’s quickly becoming my favorite vehicle, I couldn’t…
As someone who has always owned old cars that were in something just shy of concours condition, I’m quite used to…
I suppose after making the 500+ mile trip in the Yugo, I had sort of managed to convince myself that, incredibly,…
“Why do you love this kind of thing so much?” That’s what my wife asked me, more bemused than angry, as she rode…
It’s both an 1980s icon and the butt of more jokes than you can reasonably imagine. Even today, its name brings a…
With the possible exception of a toilet bowl, there’s few things that get shit on more than the Yugo, the small…
Jalopnik got bored earlier this week and decided to hit up the Bear Mountain Car Cruise, an enthusiast event that…
My esteemed and wise colleague, Jason Torchinsky, is delightfully visiting our home underground bunker this week.…
Did you know there’s a whole other Spider-Man series that takes place in a multiverse where each universe has its…
We here at Jalopnik have cracked the secret to true joy, and it involves a tiny Yugo, a big V8 engine and a nice…
Graunch. GRAUNCH. GRAAAAAAAAAAUNCH. The noise from the right rear wheel wasn’t going away. If anything, it was…
Anyone can be a car enthusiast. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you drive. But it takes a special kind of…
The Ford Motor Company would have you believe that you need a $60,000 twin-turbo V6 off-roading pickup truck with an…
My head was pounding. It felt like it was being crushed in a vice. I could barely breathe. “Do you mind if I take my…
They really do have the best cars at the New York Auto Show. Even a couch to get cozy with them, too. All thanks to…
Wanna come see it? Join us at trivia tonight!
Soon: the Raptor/Yugo showdown the world has been demanding for years. Read more
“How are you getting home?” Freddy Hernandez, my esteemed colleague and terrible gift-giver asked me, after gifting…
So what if the rear brakes don’t work? It’s getting there.