John Oliver's recent Last Week Tonight feature explores all the ways we've been lied to about unidentified aerial…
A new book explores the complex story of Barney and Betty Hill
Ye was banned from Twitter after posting a swastika encircled by a Star of David, a symbol of Raëlism — a religious…
Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we’ll provide the jams.
That one act legitimized decades of conspiracy theories.
Yeeeeeeeahhh, whooooaa-ohhh! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa-ohh
When so many of us this year are asking daily “oh god, what now?” some residents of the Garden State looked up to…
Three long-viral videos seemingly showing UFOs are now officially official, as they say, as the Navy has fully…
Between December 2017 and March 2018, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences—a foundation headed by Tom Delonge of…
UFOS—our U.S. Navy pilots just keep seeing them! There was one instance in 2004, first written about in 2017, which…
After at least two high profile incidents in which U.S. Navy aircraft and ships spotted unusual flying objects near…
Late last week, military news site Task & Purpose confirmed a disturbing fact: the newly created U.S. Space Force…
Let’s take a quick break from cars and focus on the more important topic of whether or not extraterrestrials exist.…
Remember when we found out the government spent millions of dollars on a program that discovered mysterious…
A New Zealand man says that he saw a UFO last night that had landed on a road and then flew into space. He says…
This video is being touted as the new Shroud of Turin for extraterrestrial hunters. It appears to show a…
An UFO was seen on top of a military truck four days ago travelling down US 77, said residents of Cowley County,…
I'm always skeptical about little green men and their flying machines. There's always one nutter/hoaxer claiming…
If you're skipping airports this holiday in favor of a road trip, Roadside America can help you find something…