According to the General, the UAW's just ratified the contract penned with GM just a couple of weeks back. That's…
In case anyone happened to be watching CNBC's new show, "The Call" this morning at the ungodly hour of 11:00 AM,…
UAW workers just walked out of Chrysler assembly plants. Unfortunately, unlike the last walkout against GM earlier…
Based upon this "postcard" we just received from a top tipster of a Sterling Heights parking lot that appears to…
Just two weeks after the UAW organized a national strike on GM, the union has turned its collective-bargaining…
As far as we were aware, the UAW's national strike against GM stemmed from an effort to secure future work for its…
According to the Wall Street Journal, UAW President Ron Gettelfinger's hopes for efficiently achieving new…
Yeah, we know we showed you those UAW contract "highlights book" pages on Friday — but it was only because it was…
While thumbing through the Freep's copy of the GM-UAW Agreement, we found a concession we're sure will be quite…
UAW local leaders are already in their morning meeting to get their first official look at the deal penned by their leadership and GM. Those meetings are expected to be over around noon. Want to bet we'll see a copy of the deal by about 12:03 PM? [Detroit News] Read more
Well, we know the UAW strike's over at the moment and a labor agreement's been reached between the UAW and General…
The UAW and GM have agreed to a new national labor agreement, the centerpiece of which is a landmark agreement on…
You should know that the General's Service & Parts Operations (SPO) team has a way to handle emergency orders and…
Well, folks — it looks like the usual guy who writes this on strike again today too, so it's up to me to talk about…
It turns out the folks who normally do this post for me while I'm getting primped and my hair put in curlers when…
GM's global purchasing guru Bo Andersson just dropped the following e-mail out to GM suppliers about what they…
We've been talking to a few PR folks from the General today — trying to make heads or tails of the impact of the UA…