Getting your driver’s license is a fading rite of passage for teens these days, but if you happen to be a teen in…
Teens! They are amazing and also terrifying. These days some of them are getting addicted to flavored e-cigarettes;…
I grew up with the Pierce Brosnan era of the James Bond franchise, and it became one of the most significant factors…
Monday night on a public road outside of Toronto, a 19-year-old took an Audi up to 246 kilometers per hour, or about…
Teens! They’re fascinating to study and often terrifying behind the wheel of a car. But learning to drive is a rite…
Back when I was a teen, doing teen things like playing Metal Gear Solid 2 with my buds, I couldn’t wait to start…
An Oakland, Maine high school resource officer had to educate a student about identifying satirical news articles…
A 17-year-old taking her driver’s license test in Buffalo, Minneapolis on Tuesday, uh, well... It could have gone…
Three teens were taken into custody by Florida police, after they allegedly stole 46—forty six—cars across three…
Who says the teens aren’t into cars? Joey is turning 16 soon and can’t wait to get his first set of wheels. He’s got…
Many parents are often torn between giving their children more than they themselves had, but also not raising them…
On a certain level, I realized that death was a very real possibility.
One well-meaning but clearly off-her-rocker Texas mom has spent at least $1500 on newspaper ads, fliers, one of…
A recent study by Erie Insurance points out a lot of factors that anyone under the age of 60 probably already knows.…
Toyota announced it was including two driver-monitoring technologies, developed with telecom giant MCI, in its 2007…