Every time I found a nice old Alameda Volvo for DOTS, the Saab-o-philes would tilt their heads up to a grim frozen…
We brought you leaked shots of the Saab 9-4X this morning, but now high-res shots are out for all to see. The…
The land that brought you Rembrandt, pannekoeken and the tulip has another surprise hidden in its clogs. It's the…
After we saw our fourth DOTS Volvo (a clean 1970 164) last week, there was some grumbling by Saab fans that I seem…
The folks at Trollhättan are not content to let their counterparts at Audi, BMW, Volvo &mdash pretty much every…
Who knew Boston even had an auto show? Well, for whatever reason, the General decided to unveil the 2008 SAAB…
This week, Saab announced it would give the world of car watchers something unexpected — rear wheel drive. Well, in…
So we had another near-tie in yesterday's DKW-versus-Fairlady Choose Your Eternity poll, which may be partially…
It turns out a fair number of Jalopnik readers are members of 24 Hours of LeMons racing teams, and today it's…
Perhaps inspired by our last Project Car Hell Poster Child's truly nightmarish '58 Plymouth Ambulance, we've had a…
It looks like the Sterling just wasn't able to dump as much weight on both sides of the hell/cool scale as the…
So much for Strike Week. Let's move on then to cars from a socialist country: those funky meatballs from Sweden! As…
In another installment of Profiles in Badge Engineering Courage, Saab and Cadillac will share a new SUV platform, a…
We're not sure if you realized it, but we threw down a shot of the back of a head from the Tuesday morning General…
Beat this: the year was 2002, sink or swim time for old Pontiac. They needed something, anything, to bolster their…
As we knew they would from the leaked embargo shots of the other day, GM's Saab just revealed a heap of new…
The born from jets crowd over at Trollhattan Saab report the car previously known as black turbo will officially…
Another Saab up on the Jalopnik DotW? Look at it this way, Saab's sales woes are your purchase gains. This week…
Forget for a minute the Saab truck's humble midwestern upbringing. Pretend there's no such thing as a Chevy…
It's 30 years since Saab unveiled its first turbocharged model, causing young stockbrokers to rear their heads…