For what it lacks in beauty it sure makes up for it in character, Russia's 100 year old Kommuna is the world's…
Russian intercepts of Western signal intelligence aircraft isn't anything new. It's been happening going back to the…
Russia has been on a tear to get new robotic combat capabilities up and running, with big goals slated for its air…
Some of the Reddit military forums have been buzzing about the Top Gear Russia magazine showing a picture of a…
When it comes to driving, Russia is like the physical embodiment of chaos, an insane and dangerous place where…
As part of its military resurgence, Russia plans on rebuilding its mechanized forces around a single 'Universal…
In 2012, dash cams introduced themselves to the world. In 2013, dash cams started breaking worldwide news. In 2014?…
The real crux of this video starts at about 40 seconds in, and it's honestly not the craziest Russian Dash Cam video…
Here's a strong candidate for Most Russian Thing Ever.
Banned under the previous STARTII treaty, but not excluded in 2011's New START treaty, Russia is pulling from…
This is literally my childhood dream come true. Ex-army amphibious vehicles are serving as taxis crossing the rivers…
A few months back the United States formally notified Russia that it had carried out missile tests in violation of…
If I found a body lying in the road, I would probably panic, check for vital signs, and then dial 911, in that…
As promised, Moscow is finally beefing up its air combat punch on the Crimean Peninsula. Sputnik news has pictures of
The Russian city of Igarka is 101 miles north of the Arctic Circle, and this time of the year, the temperature can…
More than four months after a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was shot down over eastern Ukraine, recovery of the…
The buildup of Russian air combat capability in Crimea has been announced but only seen in glimpses. Yesterday,…
Russia launched the Kosmos 2499 rocket mission back in May as part of what seemed like just another mission to…
Currently, the largest and most powerful helicopter to have ever entered production is the gargantuan Mi-26 'Halo'…
Russia announced last week that it would commence long-range bomber patrols of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.…