Turkey, and especially Istanbul, has been called the crossroads of the world, geographically and commercially…
Decades and decades after they pretended never to be in a “moon race” with the U.S., Russia reportedly plans to land…
Russia has publicized its first Syrian air campaign missions with their Su-34 Fullback fighter-bombers loaded with…
It has been a wild 36 hours when it comes to the increasingly complex tapestry of major international players taking…
Hours after a Russian Su-24 fighter jet was shot down by a Turkish F-16 over Syria after Turkey claimed the jet…
A Russian Su-24 Fencer attack jet, one of about a dozen based at Russia’s forward operating base in Syria south of…
Helicopters are not known for being the most useful bombing platforms, but some of Russia’s combat helicopters,…
New video is emerging of Russia’s heavy bomber sorties and naval cruise missile strikes against targets in Syria.…
Seemingly pulled right from a James Bond movie, we got a glimpse this week of Russia’s new super military nerve…
Russia has now integrated its strategic bomber assets into its air campaign in Syria. Tu-22M3s Backfires, Tu-95MS…
News came out yesterday that Russian government media “leaked” information about some sort of new super-radioactive…
Even after the U.S. and Russia have supposedly worked out deconfliction procedures should their combat aircraft come…
The loss of all aboard a Metrojet Airbus A321 over the Sinai Peninsula on Saturday was bizarre from the beginning,…
On Tuesday, a pair of Tu-142 Bears made their way toward the USS Ronald Reagan while the carrier was undertaking…
These cars must have been inspired by this sliding truck’s rebellion. They don’t need drivers, they’re off on their…
With Russia, Syria and the U.S. led coalition striking targets around Syria, the skies above the war-torn country…
The Russian Ministry of Defense just released these photographs of night air operations at their outpost airfield in…
Russia’s love for anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles is no secret and a wide variety of weapons have been…