This junior varsity photoshop of a “Trump fighter jet” shooting down a “Fox News passenger plane” picked up speed in…
Russia continues to use heavy bombers to fight anti-Assad regime insurgents and ISIS fighters in Syria. Today, the…
I guess this is a pretty good example of what you’d call a Pyrrhic victory; sure, you won, but at what cost? Here,…
Russian jet crews in Syria are getting more creative with placing Gopro cameras on their aircraft during sorties.…
The same air defense system that has seemingly kept coalition fighters out of western Syria is now being installed…
The Russian Ministry of Defense has released as series of pictures depicting a counter-sabotage “exercise” where…
Russia has come out and said that their Strategic Missile Troops plan on testing no less than 16 intercontinental…
A 60 Minutes segment uploaded yesterday claims that Russia’s air campaign in Syria is really a propaganda fueled,…
Russia has created a highly modified variant of its venerable Mi-24 Hind attack helicopter dubbed the “Prospective…
Idiot or crazy? It’s so hard to decide. When you see a person take their lighter out at a gas station, and…
More telling evidence that the airspace over Syria remains a conflicted and dangerous mess emerged this week in the…
Lose weight in America, and your friends will give you a nice pat on the back and make corny jokes about how thin…
When it comes to news, anything related to the Russian military is hot right now—there are even many headlines…
Russia fired shots at a Turkish fishing vessel in the Aegean Sea today, and the Kremlin claims the rounds were fired…
The Russian improved Kilo Class diesel electric submarine Rostov-on-Don (B-237) launched cruise missiles at targets…
Much hyperbole surrounds Russia’s S-400 advanced surface-to-air missile system, which is now being exported abroad…
Turkish-Russian relations are in the gutter since the downing of that attack jet, yet it is not exactly a…
Russia’s Ministry of Defense social media channels have been busy as ever, but today they seem to have a peculiar…
With Kiev’s relationship with Moscow now non-existent, Antonov aircraft is looking to inject western technologies…
Russia, even after the Cold War ended, has never warmed much to the idea of an expanding NATO. The alliance, formed…