Russia’s Alfa Class fast attack submarine was the SR-71 of the undersea world during the Cold War. The Alfas were…
If there’s any way to prove you have a sense of humor, it’s to name your drift crew from Latvia and Russia “Evil…
Saudi Arabia has been looking for ways to increase its involvement in Syria with plans ranging from a full-on ground…
Apparently the Russian military has a sense of humor and some spare fuel to burn! Somebody let these goofballs hook…
The Russians really seem to have a thing for snow, crappy little sedans and absurdly capable off-road vehicles. This…
The price of a barrel of crude oil briefly jumped this morning, on news that Russia and Saudi Arabia (joined by…
After literally showing the world the greatest truck in the universe, Truck Yeah is still waiting for its box of Puti…
Russian bombing of battle scarred Syrian city of Aleppo has hit an all time high as Assad regime forces make big…
The band OK Go is probably best known for their complex, mind-twisting videos that make virologists wonder how they…
Changes are already underway following Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter’s attempt to reboot the anti-ISIS…
Now that Iran is sitting on a pile of cash and the import ban on conventional military hardware has been partially…
Russian scientists want to modify existing intercontinental ballistic missiles to deliver a nuclear warhead that…
Russia and the Assad regime have been tightening the noose around the sprawling and long embattled northwest Syrian…
U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter seems to get the reality that the so-called “coalition” of 66 countries that…
Would you like to go wherever the hell you want? Using its self-inflated tires, Russia’s SHERP ATV can give you that…
Watching this video, I really don’t know how this tow could have gone worse. Then I read the backstory.
Russia has moved its most capable operational fighter aircraft, the Su-35S derivative of the Flanker family of…
Russia’s economy might be completely imploding, but good strongmen always find new and potentially terrifying ways…
Russia has big designs on the Arctic. Its forces have been very active in the inhospitable region over the last few…
Turkey claims that one of Russia’s most advanced fighter-bombers, an Su-34 Fullback, entered into Turkish airspace…