How would you impress a man used to the endless vistas of Texas and, er, Virginia, if he were to show up in Hungary…
Eating big meals on road trips weighs you down and makes you sleepy. That's why snacks are better, and Jalopnik readers
At 22 years old, Morgan Johnson knows the ins and outs of a few things. She's lived in Oregon, Montana and Colorado,…
The typical press car loan is a week. Because of an ill-timed business trip I've barely driven the bright red 2012…
The whole world changed when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. It changed a great deal for two Germans in particular,…
No road trip in the Andes is complete without encountering a terrifying mountain road. Bolivia’s North Yungas Road,…
Does writing whimsical posts about cars qualify one to buy a 17-year-old Japanese car in Eastern Europe? It does…
We love our supercars to death. We obsess over their top speeds and great power. But what is it like to actually use…
Will space humans float their hovercars down Interstate 90 to have space coffee next to Mount St. Helens in the year…
Eastman Kodak, who filed for bankruptcy in January, introduced Super 8 in 1965. Ten years later, Ford’s sole…
With the Southern Hemisphere fall on and most of the tourists heading up north, it’s time yet again to head as far…
Kevin Kewley and his friends like adventure. So, to follow up their off-road parasailing experience why not compete…
We recently wrote about the inspiring and rather epic road trip of Jiří Hanzelka and Miroslav Zikmund, the two Czech…
A 600 cc, two-cylinder 2CV kitted out with sheet steel panels bolted together and called the Baby-Brousse is less…
In April 1947, two wild and crazy Czechs set off from Prague in a Tatra 87 and drove 40,000 miles across Africa and…
Jiří Hanzelka types up a report in his makeshift office in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Argentina’s Andean northwest is a wonderland of absolutely epic driving roads. The fun starts in Tucumán province on…
With its stupendous beef, acid trip scenery, and January summer, Argentina could be the greatest country on Earth.…
Whatever Lamborghini will unveil later this week in Paris, here’s a reminder just how eternal a Lamborghini is. In…