The age of high speed police chases may be coming to an end as the coppers are cutting out the middlemen and…
A man by the name of Jesse Vigil has decked out a 2007 Mustang to look like Barricade the Saleen Mustang from Transfo…
Forget the Interceptor, Johnny Law (or is that Mohammed Law?) in Dubai rolls in 5-series BMW's. How else do you keep…
We don't know what kind of car 17-year-old David Leib used to recreate a police cruiser, but the safe bet is on a…
General Motors will be showing off a line of commercial vehicles at the Chicago Auto Show featuring GM's latest…
Don't worry, don't worry, this isn't real. Somebody at GM let Vice Chairman Bob Lutz loose with a pack of Crayolas…
Hirofumi Fukuda learned yesterday that you do not screw with the Osaka Police. Wanted for allegedly assaulting some…
Here is where Shakespeare's timeless question gets stretched to it's limit; Does a rose by any other name smell…
While Murilee has her Alameda, I have my hipster retirement community north of Downtown LA called Mt. Washington.…
Because real police work takes a lot of effort, cops in Rancho Cordova, California are pulling over people for good…
Upset over getting ticketed, a tow truck driver in Gresham, Oregon decided to take his revenge out on the first…
Sometimes, the jokes are just too easy. Yesterday, police officers in Madison Wisconsin were involved in a high…
The Aussie policehoon we told you about yesterday has been identified as a 30-year-old first class constable of the…
It's a mystery to the Australian police how this Falcon Commodore radio car ended up doing dirt-slinging donuts for…
Though the car usually wins in a battle of car-versus-deer, it's almost always a phyrric victory as the damage to…
We told you about the development of a cop-car-mounted microwave transmitter that can fry a vehicle's…
Because it's sometimes unnerving to get pulled over by a real unmarked patrol car, some police and safety advocates…
As if getting thwacked by a speeding police van wasn't bad enough, Steve Brown of Auckland, New Zealand was charged…
In theory, anyone can get an old Interceptor and some strobes or a plug-in cherry and start pulling people over.…