You know that while airplanes fly through the air, they’re still technically on planet Earth. You also know that at…
The Airbus A380 weighs over 300 tons empty and, as of the year of our Lord 2018, is the world’s biggest passenger…
Model maker Luca Iaconi-Stewart has been building a stunningly accurate model of a Boeing 777 for almost 10 years.…
Jack O’Banion, Vice President of Strategy and Customer Requirements, Advanced Development Programs for Lockheed…
There aren’t too many reasons you might have traveled through Stewart Airport, but if you have, you know it’s about…
In case you haven’t heard, planes are safe now. In presumably that spirit, a flight this week included an unusually…
If you spent your holiday break consuming season after season of Black Mirror, you might be celebrating major…
The days of squeezing into an airplane and being greeted by the photo of an unnaturally happy flight attendant who…
We’ve all been there, sitting on a plane for an excruciatingly long time, waiting for it to taxi to the gate, or…
Someday I want to spend New Year’s Day thumbing my nose at the laws of space and time. Unfortunately, the closest…
Commercial planes are a nightmare. The last thing anyone should want to do is board a giant hunk of metal, only to…
There’s only so much us meager passengers can see during the final approach of a flight. Thanks to a new…
About 200 workers at Dulles International Airport went on strike this week over what they say is low pay and their…
The Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport experienced a power outage around 1 p.m. ET Sunday afternoon, stranding…
Boeing’s 747 is perhaps the most iconic commercial airplane of all time. Introduced half a century ago in 1968, it…
Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon from the Star Wars movies is about as recognizable as Darth Vader or a lightsaber. It’s…
I don’t think I need to remind you, but blades and guns are not allowed in your carry-on luggage. TSA will find it,…
In January, the Obama-era U.S. Department of Transportation laid out a proposal that would’ve required airlines and…
It’s about six hours from New York to Seattle via plane, which was too long, recently, for a Delta 757 that had to…
A glitch in American Airlines’ online scheduling system has left thousands of flights during December without pilots…