The New York Police Department, considered one of the most well-funded and heavily-equipped police forces in the…
“I saw this at a rest stop in PA,” Jalopnik reader Joe wrote to me. “Any idea what it is?” Well, yes, but I have no i…
The Airbus BelugaXL was already hilarious. Born with a forehead the size of Arkansas and a growth on its back, the…
About a year ago, my colleague David Tracy discovered that a 1962 Lockheed Jetstar once owned by Elvis Presley, the…
You asked me about the times I hitchhiked by private plane, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot. It was a long…
Honda, which you probably know as a car company, actually makes a ton of stuff that Aren’t Cars. One of those things…
You’re looking for a new seat for you fully sikkkk CRX. You’ve considered Recaros. Jamexes. Sparco seats. Have you…
JetBlue is tightening its emotional support animal allowances for flights next month, limiting the critters allowed…
I’ve seen normally friendly and warm Jalopnik writers come to clumsy, ineffective blows over the concept of car…
Honda’s line of private jets have always been technological marvels, and their latest revision is no exception. The…
The wingspan of the upcoming versions of the Boeing 777 series commercial plane is so big it can’t fit at a standard…
If you were wealthy, like Moonlighting residuals and Fifth Element merchandising-revenue wealthy, wouldn’t you want…
Ford shut down production of the F-150, its best selling vehicle, on May 2 after a magnesium fire at a supplier…
On May 1, 1960, as the Cold War was heating up, CIA pilot Gary Powers was shot down flying a U-2C spy plane over…
It was the worst military aircraft of all time. Developed by a man described as “the greatest charlatan ever to see…
Tammie Jo Shults, reportedly one of the pilots responsible for landing the Southwest Airlines flight 1380 that…
In the mid 1950s, airplanes evolved into large jetliners and airports had to find more powerful vehicles to tow them…
Alain de Cadenet is a legend around these parts. Not only did he get to drive the cars we wanted to drive, he got to…
I’m not sure there’s a real, existing human being who is completely pleased with the security experience required to…
The biggest obstacle for supersonic passenger jets, apart from the cost, is the massively loud and very annoying…