I can only guess what issues Wes Anderson has with his father, but I'm fairly sure the senior Anderson has nothing…
Yay, now we can merge geeking out over robots in disguise with geeking out over gals we'd love to think of dating…
Dr. Emilio Lizardo was a fictional Italian physicist who broke only halfway into the eighth dimension and was…
Just because we like to beat ourselves over the head with this stuff, here's some more video of Eddie's little…
Sure, we could to whip out our forked tongues and wag them at Motor Trend. After all, it looks like the mag could be…
Details are somewhat murky, and we're hearing conflicting reports all centering around one truism — people who…
Looks like the best laid plans of mice and men are plans easily laid low by a HummerGuy. The site all about the…
One can only hope there's a special place in Hell for non-disabled drivers who sport a handicapped placard on the…
Not all road-rage killers get off with some slap-on-wrist manslaughter charge- this Alabama slimeball gets 56 years…
Adding more evidence to our ongoing belief that only criminals, miscreants or Jalopnik writers drive decommissioned…
We love it anytime Bush speaks and he's not behind a podium. We just love how he walks struts out all…
Here's a picture of the actual Ultimate Aero TT that attempted to break the Veyron's "production car" top speed…
Looks like Al Gore's decided that it may be a bit inconvenient for him to be telling all this truth on the…
The Mitsuoka K-4 may be pedal-car small, but at least it's probably scary as hell to drive and you can put it…
OK, even though this story takes place in Owensboro, Kentucky, I'm going to refrain from mentioning mullets,…
It ain't a Superbird, but hell, at least the new car's got a wing. Yeah, we know, it's still NASCAR, but whatevs,…
We received the following tip from a very reliable source about the specialty vehicle manufacturer, Saleen:
After a short battle with cancer Robert E. Petersen has passed away. If not for Petersen and his crazy idea for a…