Welcome to Sunday Matinee, where we highlight classic car reviews or other longer videos I find on YouTube. Kick…
Call this custom-built, 1989 Jaguar XJS Lynx Eventer an estate, a Nomad or a shooting brake, but whatever you call…
Even though it blew both head gaskets at the Goin' For Broken LeMons, the Pendejo Engineering XJS managed to knock…
Most of us will look at these admittedly godawful numbers for the Triumphs, Jaguars, and MGs we've seen in LeMons…
In 1776 the American colonists routed the British. Two hundred years later, Jaguar debuted the XJS coupe with Lucas…
These photos show a perfectly executed Jaguar XJS V12 conversion to a XJS-Chero. This baby was spotted carting…
What do you do when you've got a project car that lacks good junkyard parts availability, yet you want to keep the…
We never see enough British cars in the 24 Hours Of LeMons, so getting two TR7s, a V12 Jag, and a Chevy-powered Jag…
Welcome to Project Car Hell, where you choose your eternity by selecting the project that's the coolest... and the…
Reader Brian spotted this classy Jaguar XJS-HE at a Wal-Mart in Ft. Pierce, Florida over the weekend, leaving us to…
We're really starting to like Stick Shift, Vanity Fair's weekly gay car blog. It explains to us the intricacies and…
We took a break from the PCH Superpowers and watched the Rotary Honda 600 pound on the Rotary Starlet in yesterday's…