Steven Hoag, a former marine and employee of the North Carolina Department of Transportation was sitting in his…
Will space humans float their hovercars down Interstate 90 to have space coffee next to Mount St. Helens in the year…
Highway 29 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin has buckled during the region's heat wave in just such a way that it formed a…
With his effort to get speed cameras installed in New York City stymied by the state legislature, Mayor Michael…
Second is first, first is third, and third is second. That's how the most common U.S. street names stack up in a…
Floodwaters in Duluth, MN, broke open the Lake Superior Zoo last night, killing a number of animals. A seal managed…
There is nothing in the Western world which quite prepares the Naples neophyte for the sensory overload of the…
A busted traffic light can ruin people's day anywhere, but in Beijing, a densely peopled city known of for some…
New York City's newest toy, a 110-ton, 300-foot-long Caterpillar boring machine named "Pat," will soon spearhead a…
This 25-foot-wide boulder broke free from a hillside and landed on two cars and a house on Tuesday in Athens, Ohio.…
Hello, fellow friends of tropical fruit! Here’s some simple mango math to keep you occupied, preferably while you’re…
You're looking at Tokyo's newest landmark, the 'Dinosaur' Bridge. Officially known as the Tokyo Gate Bridge —…
The Virginia Department of Transportation has put three large collections online of archival photographs detailing…
It is rather fitting for Ulaanbaatar, the modern-day capital of the country which was once the largest contiguous…
Police and firefighters were frustrated in their attempts to rescue a mom and her two daughters when their 3-series…
Holy crap, is that an excavator excavating a 12 story building out from underneath itself in China?! Yes, but it's…
A 200-by-300 foot billboard has fallen onto the Brooklyn Queens Expressway between Meeker and Metropolitan Avenues. I…
Like Chronos devouring his children, Detroit's roads are trying to swallow the cars the city itself produced.…
Mercedes-Benz Manhattan's 330,000 square-foot dealership is a model of quiet efficiency. Towering windows cast…
Most time-lapse videos work by capturing an object from one vantage point as the world changes around it. This…