The moon, once thought to be an inhospitable wasteland, is now a bustling metropolis. A bustling metropolis that…
In New Jersey news that isn't about Tesla, a state senator there wants the legalization of recreational marijuana…
Train service continues at Chicago's Blue Line with "minor delays" after a train totally, like, jumped off the…
A Colorado man may now sue the people who saved his life to the tune of $500,000. What did they do wrong? They…
If we have to cross water or a crazy gaping ravine, we might as well do it in style. These are the ten most eye…
We already know about the world's scariest bridges. What about the prettiest?
I love driving as much as the next guy. No, wait, I love driving significantly more than the next guy, but even I…
Unless President Obama rolls into your town on the reg, you probably don't have to deal with traffic being shut down…
It's going to take a lot to get Jalops out of their cars. That's fine. But making driving a car in a city even more…
Above is a picture of the 1984 PPG Pace Car that was rescued a few days ago. While it doesn't seem like the damage…
Recovery crews at the National Corvette Museum continue to show the sinkhole who's boss, having now lifted two more…
America can't be stopped, and neither can America's sports car, even if a bunch of them fell into a sinkhole! The…
Contrary to what various terrified millionaires believed, New York's Citi Bike bike sharing program has not resulted…
Amazingly, no one was injured when one of Europe's largest oil refineries, like, totally burned with the force of a…
The Blue Devil has returned from the pits of Hell stronger than ever! That, or you just can't keep a good Corvette…
This is the former Soviet nuclear submarine base in Balaklava, Ukraine. It was so secret that the USSR took…
After Kevin and Linda Helmintoller watched the video of eight rare Corvettes falling into a sinkhole at the Corvette…
A section of 6th Avenue in Midtown Manhattan is currently closed for drivers and pedestrians because 'stray voltage'…
A truck carrying cooking oil dumped its load on North Cap street in Washington, DC this afternoon, forcing police to…